Attorney Testimonials
Expert witness testimonials from the nation’s top medical malpractice & personal injury trial attorneys

Since 1986, Rieback Medical-Legal Consultants has provided many of the finest attorneys in America with medical expert witnesses for their medical malpractice, birth injury, and personal injury cases, playing a critical role in achieving successful outcomes. Many of these firms have written to let us know just how much we have become an integral part of their team with our Medical Malpractice Experts.
- Blaske and Blaske, PLC
- Cozen O’Connor
- Law Offices of Friedman and Friedman
- Barry J. Gates Attorney At Law
- Hampton & King, Attorneys at Law
- Hertz Schram PC
- Hohauser Law Firm
- Jernigan Law Firm, P.A.
- Kentucky Estate Planning Law Center
- The Lancione Law Firm
- Loughren, Loughren & Loughren
- McEldrew Law
- Mooney Colvin P.L.
- Paulson & Nace
- Romano Law Group
- Law Offices of Sommers Schwartz
- Sumner Law Group
- Wagner, Vaughan & McLaughlin
- Weisman, Kennedy & Berris Co., L.P.A.
Thomas H. Blaske
Any physician who confines their reviews only to one side or the other loses, I would hope, credibility with both sides, even though, in these days of skeptical juries, they are sometimes still offered up. I admire and I respect your decision to jettison such bias from your stable of experts, who in my experience are among the very best with whom I have had the pleasure of working.
Blaske and Blaske, PLC
Battle Creek, Michigan
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Christopher C. Fallon Jr.
It is clear that your consulting physicians have credentials that are beyond reproach and that they maintain extraordinarily high ethical and professional standards in their work for your clients.
Cozen O’Connor
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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Gary Allen Friedman
Having specialized in medical malpractice for more than 40 years, I have searched and researched the medical literature, med. line, medical schools and private services looking for medical experts. I have generally been disappointed with the results and have found myself with an expert who isn’t readily available for consultation/deposition/trial, who can’t communicate in simple language and/or who doesn’t understand the legal issues surrounding causation and damages. My search ended with Rieback Medical-Legal Consultants.
Law Offices of Friedman and Friedman
Coral Gables, Florida
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Barry J. Gates
I am a Past-President of the Michigan Association for Justice and a solo practitioner doing almost exclusively medical malpractice cases. I probably rely on your office even more as the years go by. I have done that with the knowledge that you will always come through for me and my clients. The experts you have introduced to me have been, without exception, highly credentialed, ethical, knowledgeable on the issues, objective and willing to testify in person at my trials.
Barry J Gates Attorney At Law
Ann Arbor, Michigan
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Hartley Hampton
Rieback Medical-Legal Consultants has consistently connected me with well-credentialed, objective physicians who are willing to call it like they see it. Thanks to you, I have worked with some of the best specialists in their fields.
I have worked with a number of different expert witness services over the years. Ellen, you are in a different league from any of them.
Hampton & King, Attorneys at Law
Houston, Texas
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Steve J. Weiss
I have litigated personal injury cases for over 27 years and I am extremely cognizant of the need for reputable, highly educated experts. It has been my experience that the experts referred through Rieback Medical-Legal Consultants are exceedingly qualified physicians, affiliated with highly regarded hospitals, who are dedicated to providing first rate expert services in a timely manner.
Hertz Schram PC
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
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Michael S. Hohauser
It is without reservation that I recommend you and your service with respect to the preparation and prosecution of medical malpractice claims. As you know, I have employed you exclusively for this purpose for a very long time. I have been in practice for 41 years. You have certainly been my foundational advisor in this area for the last 25 years or more.
Hohauser Law Firm
Troy, Michigan
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Rodney G. Jernigan
We frequently have cases that require what we feel is an unusual, hard-to-find, expert in a given area, sub-specialty or field. Ellen has routinely supplied well-qualified experts who have rendered clear, concise opinions with detailed evaluations.
Jernigan Law Firm, P.A.
Florence, South Carolina
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Ben Humphries & Lewis Graham
Very professional, have helped us several cases. Referred to us by the best of the best.
Kentucky Estate Planning Law Center
Elizabethtown, Kentucky
John A. Lancione
As past president of the Ohio Association for Justice and past Chairman of the Birth Trauma Litigation Group of the American Association for Justice, I have been involved in situations where professional medical societies have engaged in witness intimidation by sanctioning only physicians who testify on behalf of injured patients in medical negligence cases. I have found that the witnesses recommended by Rieback Medical-Legal Consultants are willing to stand up and testify on behalf of legitimately injured patients notwithstanding attempts to intimidate them.
The Lancione Law Firm
Rocky River, Ohio
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Patrick J. Loughren
Lawyers on both sides seek one thing, and that one thing is the truth. Rieback Medical-Legal Consultants has helped me find the truth time and time again. I would recommend you without hesitation to any trial lawyer who seeks the most qualified experts in the country.
Loughren, Loughren & Loughren
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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James J. McEldrew, III
The services provided to my law firm by Rieback Medical-Legal Consultants have been of the highest quality, and the experts have been easy to work with. I have used Ellen’s service for several years, and she has been successful in finding experts in both the traditional and the rare and difficult sub-specialty areas.
McEldrew Law
Philadephia, Pennsylvania
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John V. Colvin
I am pleased to report a $7,011,000.00 verdict in Palm Beach County returned on September 18, 2015. You provided us an ENT expert who, in the trial, was the most knowledgeable and talented ENT expert the jury heard. We are pleased to report this verdict.
Mooney Colvin P.L.
Jupiter, Florida
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Barry J. Nace
I have been in practice for more than 30 years concentrating on plaintiff's medical malpractice cases as well as product liability cases. The experts you have provided to me for review of cases were highly credentialed, articulate, very accessible, and had a sincere concern for giving a proper evaluation. To a great extent, that has contributed to our successful outcomes.
Paulson & Nace
Washington, DC
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John F. Romano
I have been especially impressed by the rapid manner in which you review and evaluate cases and make contact with the top experts in America. Expediting the assessment of the case by an expert is a priority, and you and your firm do it at lightning speed!
Romano Law Group
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
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Norman D. Tucker
"Small leaks sink large ships." One bad expert can doom a case. Due in no small part to your help, after having handled birth injury cases for over 30 years, I have yet to lose a "ship."
Law Offices of Sommers Schwartz
Southfield, Michigan
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Eugene Fahrenkrog
[The expert witness] was very prepared and authoritative. Her answers were right on point and she supported them with facts, but she came across as very sincere and persuasive. I wish I could use her on every one of my cases!
Sumner Law Group
St. Louis, Missouri
Alan F. Wagner
Ms. Rieback consistently locates well-qualified medical experts that permit me to make early and accurate case evaluations and assist us in tipping the scales of justice in our client's favor. The professionals that she recommends to us are consistently highly experienced, meticulous in their case preparation and analysis, and superb witnesses at both deposition and trial.
Wagner, Vaughan & McLaughlin
Tampa Florida
Click here to read full letter.
Richard J. Berris
All of the experts have been very prompt in reviewing the cases and were available for telephone consultation in order to discuss the case. Further, the experts have been very cooperative in making themselves available for depositions when necessary.
Weisman, Kennedy & Berris Co., L.P.A.
Cleveland, Ohio