Medical Legal ConsultantsServing Attorneys Nationwide

We are pleased to announce that we now offer attorneys certified physician life care planners

Rieback Medical-Legal Consultants, Inc. is now offering the specialized service of “Life Care Planning” by highly qualified board-certified physicians.  These physicians are fully certified life care planners, (CLCP), through The International Commission on Healthcare Certification.

Life care planning is a critical component of projecting a client’s future health care needs and their costs in catastrophic injury or illness. A comprehensive plan, researched and supported by peer reviewed literature and a patient’s own personal medical history and communication with the patient’s own health care providers will supply a blueprint to allow appropriate funds to be set aside for that patient’s life care needs including the potential of yet not suffered complications.

The two levels of service we are offering are:

  1. Preliminary Life Care Plan review

In this service, existing medical records will be reviewed by a certified physician life care planner. The purpose of the review is for the reviewer to be able to offer a preliminary assessment, either verbally or in a written report, of what health care needs that particular individual might need to be addressed if a full life care plan is requested. This preliminary assessment could help the requesting attorney decide his/her future direction in the case. A typical review of this nature would require five to six hours.

  1. Full Life Care Plan review

A Full Life Care Plan would require not only the review of existing medical records but also communication with the patient’s caregivers including physicians, therapists, and family, as well as the patient. Projections of services and their frequency would be tabulated. Medical equipment, sometimes special vehicles, sometimes home modifications would be noted. Actual costs for all this care related to the number of years required will be estimated. An example of such a life care plan is included.

Why physician life care planners?

There are many good non-physician life care planners, but they do not possess a physician’s education, training, experience, skills, or credentials. A physician life care planner can also independently formulate and defend medical opinions regarding their client’s care plan and may be called upon to critique a perceived unsatisfactory plan that may have been proposed by an opposing counsel or insurance company.

If you need a life care planner for a catastrophic injury or illness case, we’re here to help. Contact Rieback Medical-Legal Consultants today and tell us about your case.

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